Monday, 30 May 2016

Question 4 Digital Etiquette (POE)

Digital code of conduct

10 Points of Netiquette
 When communicating online, only say things that you would say to a person’s face and things that you would allow people to say to you.
 Adhere to the same real life behavioural standards online.
 Being aware of whom you’re communicating with can be a guide as to which level of netiquette to use.
 Respect the user’s bandwidth when sharing files. Do not waste a user’s time with unnecessary comments and questions.
 Keep a good online image by portraying high intelligence through your personal posts.
 Help others where you can.
 Keep hostile interactions to a minimum.
 Do not provide strangers with another user’s personal details without permission.
 Do not abuse the power you have – use it correctly.
 Do not criticize someone for having little online experience.

Penalties for Non-compliance
 Anyone who communicates inappropriately through messaging will be given a verbal warning. If it happens again you will receive a written warning. If the action is seen as harassment, it could lead to a court case or termination.
 If anyone fails to adhere to the amount of document sharing, especially if they are non-work related, connection to the internet will be terminated.
 Anyone with an issue helping someone less experienced online will be suspended for non-compliance to teamwork.
 If anyone’s personal information is shared without permission, that person will be labelled ‘un-trustworthy’ and may be expelled.

Enforce and Manage
 Each individual will be given this Code of Conduct to read through, sign and return to the head of the institute.
 If failure to meet the Code occurs, they will be given their signed Code of Conduct to read over again. Depending on the action, the necessary repercussions will be taken.

A system will be available on each computer where any individual may report unethical behavior.

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